How to Fix a Leaky Roof

Why "DIY Vs. Hiring An Expert Roofer" Is No Longer A Debate In Asbestos Roof Replacement

Roofing work of any kind, be it the installation of a new roof, repair works, routine maintenance, or removal and replacement of roofing, comes with several inherent risks. Even the DIY aficionado knows all too well that roofing work calls for extreme care in order to avoid any accidents and incidences.

DIY just isn't an option when working with asbestos roofing.  While it is not illegal to do it yourself, it is always prudent to bring in a licensed roofer for the job.

It Is a Health Risk

While the countrywide ban of asbestos in Australia took effect on 31st December 2003, there still remains some buildings with asbestos roofing. It was, after all, a very popular choice for roofing material. This ban was informed by the scientifically proven fact that exposure to asbestos is a direct cause of a number of diseases covering the whole spectrum from mild to downright life-threatening.  

Needless to say, because of this risk, asbestos roof replacement presents a unique challenge for the average DIY-er. Safe handling should always be a priority in order to avoid asbestosis, lung cancer and other conditions associated with the toxicity that comes from breathing in the asbestos fibres.

Choosing to do it yourself will only expose you to a great risk because you are simply not equipped to safely handle asbestos removal.

Always Bring In the Experts

If you have an asbestos roof that is compromised and needs replacing, your best re roofing option is always to call in the professionals.  An expert roofer company with trained and experienced professionals will assist you with all aspects for a safe asbestos roof removal.

The first step is to carefully remove any equipment, such as solar panels, which may be installed on the roof. Any rough handling during this stage, and the asbestos fibres will come loose. The experts will then ensure that no fibres break free during the removal process by first praying a coat of special glue on the roof sheet. Once dried, the coat holds in all fibres.

After removing the roof, it is carefully lowered to the ground to avoid any breakages. Once it is on the ground, the asbestos roofing will be carefully sealed in special wrapping to avoid letting some of the fibres escape into the surroundings.

There are strict regulations around everything made with asbestos. For safe and secure asbestos roof replacement, don't take any chances, and always choose to work with a licensed and insured roofer for your project.